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DOIIARS英语四级听力音频-四级听力 音频

今天给各位分享DOIIARS英语四级听力音频知识,其中也会对四级听力 音频进行解释,如果能碰巧解决你现在面临的问题,别忘了关注本站,现在开始吧!



1、What’s your f***orite animal, Beth?贝丝,你最喜欢什么动物?I love penguins. I went to draw them at once. They look so cute!企鹅!我去过一次写生,这些企鹅看起来好可爱。

2、我个人认为选B更好一点,意会一下:arrive:An official at the railway station said the train would arrive late.火车站的一位官员说这列火车将晚点到达。For an hour we just hung about,waiting for material to arrive.我们闲呆了一个小时,等候原材料到来。

DOIIARS英语四级听力音频-四级听力 音频

3、One morning it was very sunny when I woke up. 那天早晨我起来的时候正阳光明媚。I looked at the alarm clock.我看了看闹钟

4、走了很长路后,老人一定很累了。After a long walk, the old man must be very tired.饭前你必须洗手。这对你的健康有好处。You must h***e your hands washed before eating. Its good for your health.这本书一定是Lucy的。瞧!她的名字在书的封面上。

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DOIIARS英语四级听力音频-四级听力 音频
DOIIARS英语四级听力音频-四级听力 音频
