1.She was coughing all the time.
2.Through a surgical operation.
3.It ran away into a nearly forest.
4.They rebuilt the fencing around their farm.
5.The loss of gold from an airplane.
6.It made an emergency landing.
7.They will be questioned by the police.
1.They h***e strong negative emotions towards maths.
2.It affects low performing children only.
3.Most of them h***e ***erage to strong maths ability.
4.Addition to computer games is a diseases.
5.They prioritize their foward activity over what they should do.
1 是在考试过程中,先播放一遍完整的录音,然后进行短暂停顿,再次播放录音,学生需要在第二次播放中进行听力答题。
2 这个规则的目的是让学生在第一遍录音中了解整个听力材料的内容,然后在第二次听力中更加专注于听懂每个问题和对应的答案。
3 值得注意的是,在第一遍播放时,学生不能做笔记或者标记,只需要全神贯注地听;在第二遍播放时,可以做笔记,但时间是有限的,需要抓紧时间准确地做出答案。
到此,以上就是小编对于英语四级听力 新闻 短文的问题就介绍到这了,希望介绍关于英语四级听力 新闻 短文的3点解答对大家有用。