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  1. 英语六级常用短语?


1、education 教育 

2、input in education 教育投入  

3、communal participation 社会参与  4、enhance the moral awareness of提高的思想品德  


5、professional ethics 职业道德  6、credit system 学分制  

7、guarantee job assignments 包分配  8、multi-disciplinary 多学科的  

9、key university 重点大学  


10、national expenditure on education国家教育经费  

11、account for %占百分比  

12、intercultural communication 国际文化交流  


13、equal stress on integrity and ability 德才兼备  

1. keep faith with对守信用

2. lose faith in对失去信心

3.on faith毫无怀疑地,依赖地

4. faithful to (=loyal to)对忠诚

5. fall into the habit (of)养成习惯

6. fall short of (=[ail to reach a desired result, standard, etc.)没达到,低于familiarwith 熟悉,了解

7.h***e a fancy for (=like sth. without the help of reason)(没有道理地)喜欢,想要

8. take a fancy to (=become fond of)喜欢

9.by far远,非常(与比较级或最高级连用)

10. far from远远不是

1. as a matter of fact 事实上

2. in the long run 长远来看

3. in other words 换句话说

4. make no difference 没有区别

5. out of question 毋庸置疑的

6. run out of 耗尽,用完

7. see to it that 确保,负责

8. take advantage of 利用,占便宜

9. with a view to 为了……的目的


1. On the one hand, on the other hand. (一方面,另一方面)

2. It goes without saying that... (不言而喻的是...)

3. As a matter of fact...(事实上...)

4. All in all...(总的来说...)

5. By and large...(总体而言...)

6. In a nutshell...(简而言之...)

7. To sum up\/To conclude...(总之...)

8. In my humble opinion...(依我浅见...)

9. It is widely believed that...(普遍认为...)

